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With the participation of 70 leaders from more than 20 political parties and experts from the Arab World


With the participation of 70 leaders from 20 political parties and experts from the Arab World, Al Quds Center for Political Studies organized an experience-sharing workshop about the opportunities and challenges of the political parties in the parliamentary elections.

Last week, the Al Quds Center for Political Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, in cooperation with the Independent Election Commission, organized an experience-sharing workshop on the challenges and opportunities faced by political parties in parliamentary elections. The workshop saw the participation of 70 top-ranking leaders and members of the general secretariats from over 20 parties registered under the new political parties law, along with experts from Morocco and Lebanon. The workshop extended over two days and centered around four main topics:: 1) The election campaign strategy and the preparation of the election platform, 2) The methods for selecting candidates and preparing electoral lists… 3) Building political party alliances and coalitions, 4) Fundraising for the electoral campaign.

Dr. Amina Maelainine, a former Moroccan Member of Parliament who served two successive mandates under the Justice and Development Party and is an expert in parliamentary affairs, presented the Moroccan experience in the four topics. On the other hand, Dr. Tony Attallah, a university professor and expert in parliamentary and political affairs, presented the best international practices in these four fields while also highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the Lebanese political parties' experience when necessary. The sessions were successively chaired by Their Excellencies, Dr. Samir Habashneh, MP Dina Al-Bashir, Dr. Sabri Rbihat and MP Mayada Shreem. Aspects of the Jordanian experience was presented by Dr. Ali Khawaldeh, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Hussein Abu Rumman and Mr. Oraib Al Rantawi...Read More